PopUp Conversations: To the Point
Reclaiming Space in the Modern City
Thursday 21 June 2012
President Michael D. Higgins in his speech at the London School of Economics called for a reclamation of public space from private enterprise. But what are the distinctive virtues of the public city? For what purposes and how would space be reclaimed? Pursuing these questions, this session will evaluate the role artists play in re-making and re-contextualising the modern city, with a particular focus on the changes Dublin has undergone in the wake of the post-boom years.
5-5:30pm: Happy Hour (Gallery 1), installations and artistic films (Gallery 3)
From January 2006 to May 2008, Seoidín and Aoife trespassed a wasteland site on Military Road, Kilmainham, and developed these five works. The site consists of a dense sycamore forest, walled and inhabited by several homeless men. The works document these visits and the site’s inherent qualities.
From January 2006 to May 2008, Seoidín and Aoife trespassed a wasteland site on Military Road, Kilmainham, and developed these five works. The site consists of a dense sycamore forest, walled and inhabited by several homeless men. The works document these visits and the site’s inherent qualities.
5:30-7:30pm: Gallery 3
Conversations with artists and scholars. Generously sponsored by the National Institute for Regional & Spatial Analysis, NUI Maynooth
Invited speakers:
Professor Rob Kitchin, National Institute for Regional&
Spatial Analysis and Geography, NUI Maynooth
Dr. Madeleine Lyes, City Intersections
Dr. Madeleine Lyes, City Intersections
Seoidín O’ Sullivan and Aoife Desmond, Trespass
Louise Marlborough, PrettyVacanT Dublin
Chair and Discussant: Professor Mick Wilson, Founding Director of GradCAM